Trident Seafoods: Mental Wellbeing at Work

Vivacity is committed to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and supporting employers in this commitment. An example of this would be our partnership with Mental Health First Aid at Work. Last month we shared some resources employers could use to create an accepting, healthy, and stigma-free culture within their workplace. We’ve proudly partnered with Trident Seafoods to bring Mental Health First Aid courses to their leadership teams and employees. Trident Seafoods is dedicated to prioritizing mental health and creating a stigma-free culture for their company. Here’s a little more about how they’re breaking barriers and offering resources to better support their employees.

How has Trident Seafoods made mental wellbeing at work a priority for leaders and employees?
Over the past year, Trident Seafoods has initiated efforts in raising awareness around the importance of mental wellbeing on the overall health of our employees. We have delivered four Mental Health First Aid training courses, equipping employees with the skills to recognize if someone is struggling with a mental health issue, and to respond with the appropriate support and resources. We have also made strides in opening up conversation around the topic through Community Wellbeing Groups and manager discussions.

What has the experience been like hosting Mental Health First Aid at Work trainings?
We have had a positive experience partnering with Vivacity and The National Council for Mental Wellbeing to deliver the MHFA trainings. Due to COVID circumstances, our trainings were held virtually, which allowed us to include Trident Seafoods employees from across the US and Alaska. The trainings were interactive, educational, and inspiring to the employees who participated.

Would you recommend Mental Health First Aid at Work trainings to other employers?
I would recommend the MHFA trainings to other employers. It is a great course to increase awareness and drive initiatives around supporting mental wellbeing for a workforce.

What’s your advice to other employers trying to prioritize mental wellbeing at work? What’s made Trident Seafoods successful at reducing the mental health stigma?
There is always work to do and room for improvement when it comes to prioritizing mental health, but it all starts with taking that first step. The MHFA courses were our first step to begin the discussion around mental health. Offering the courses stirred up interest for employees wanting to learn more about how they can support themselves and one another. Just like our physical health, continuous effort to support mental wellbeing is necessary to spark change, and we will continue to learn and develop a culture of support for our organization.  

Let’s all commit to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. Reach out to Vivacity to learn more about Mental Health First Aid at Work and how to offer these courses to your organization.



1-Hour Mood Booster


Mental Wellbeing in The Workplace